Transition To The Share Economy

Marika Jemma
5 min readMar 24, 2020

They warned us that Capitalism was dying and now there’s proof

Photo by Elaine Casap on Unsplash

There is some amazing synchronicity going on! A paradigm shift is in motion and now we can see it. The Trump-type mentality is exposed in all its’ greed and self-serving stupidity. We had the Industrial Age (19th Century), the Information Age (20th Century) and now we are into the Age of Experience (21st Century). People want life to have meaning, purpose and joy right now, today and the self-centred quest for personal profit just doesn’t do it, we’ve proven that. Witness the huge gap between ‘haves,’ and ‘have-nots’ on all scales, the rising tide of future-fear, and the devastation caused by climate change.

It’s time to embrace the relational experience and perhaps if we ask humbly, the First Nations, the oppressed and the poor will lead.

Photo by Allec Gomes on Unsplash

The Share Economy is just an idea to me, but I am a Creative and I am starting this collaborative creation today, with you, right now. So, what shall we make?

Here is a truth… If you thrive, I thrive.

The technology behind this idea is not new, it’s ancient. The Buddhists know it and they are willing to share it. Look to the survival of any ‘tribe of origin’ anywhere…The two examples that come to my mind are the Celts (by genetic inheritance) and the Jews (by proximity). I think of Boudicea, warrior Queen fighting for her daughters against the Roman Conquerers and I think of Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt. Set my people free!

Photo by Maik Fischer on Unsplash

“It’s the end of the world as we know it”, lyrics by R.E.M. (1987).

This just means that change is happening. Change is the basic nature of this universe. No need to fear. So, those of you seeking to exploit my fear…forget about it. I am no longer afraid. The only way I am going to miss out is if I don’t reach out, connect and share. The situation is dynamic. I want to learn how to dance!

“All my relations” is an invocation or a prayer I’ve heard spoken by First Nations people at the opening of a ceremony or gathering event. This creates a sense of openness in me and a reminder to accept responsibility for the effect of my actions on all the beings in the world around me. It is an acknowledgement that everything is interconnected. Now that the majority of us are physically isolated but interacting over the internet, the ‘web of life’ metaphor just got daily.

Photo by Sam Erwin on Unsplash

My teenaged daughter just reminded me that this pandemic might have a positive impact on the rate of climate change. For example, China’s air pollution was reduced significantly enough to be viewed from space during its lockdown phase. Such images offer visual proof that with the will to change our behaviour, we can effect change in a short timeframe. I think today’s global situation literally creates some breathing room (at least for those of us not on the frontlines or currently ill). We are being forcibly awoken, by a life form invisible to the ordinary human eye, that evolved on our planet!

We are being dragged, kicking and screaming into a new ‘Age of Enlightenment’, one that hopefully we will evolve a developmentally appropriate response to.

The rules for living with the awareness of inter-connectivity are simple:

“It’s not just about you”

“If you want to eat, you have to share”

“Clean up after yourself”

“Of everything you do, be mindful”

“Ask for help, offer help”

“If you are stuck, help someone else”

“Honour and respect all life”

These ideas don’t seem to be about ‘personal excellence achieved in the rabid pursuit of profit,’ so, not-so-Capitalist.

I think for many people, the shift out of the traditional workplace may be a permanent one. All the kids and all the pets are thrilled (speculation)! When something breaks down, it’s an opportunity to reuse, recycle and build something better. I think we are going there.

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

So what might the sharing economy look like?

“The sharing economy is an economic model defined as a peer-to-peer (P2P) based activity of acquiring, providing or sharing access to goods and services that are often facilitated by a community-based online platform.” Investopedia, Mar 9, 2020

The sharing economy is also known as the collaborative economy and can be illustrated by companies such as Uber and Airbnb. These companies facilitate transactions between consumers and providers, in monetary exchanges that may also include resource sharing, barter and trade. These companies are also known to employ freelance workers who are paid on a piece by piece basis, technically self-employed, independent contractors and temporary workers without any illusions of ‘job-security’. These workers are also known as ‘Gig workers’, a relatively new application of a slang term used primarily by musicians.

A ‘sharing model’ based economic system, seems much more fluid and responsive, unlike the ‘tragic dinosaur’ systems of large corporations and yes, governments, public education systems and the like.

The good news is that there are a lot of infrastructures already in place. I know of local food coops, farm coops, and learning coops in my geographical area of influence. I am greatly inspired by the urban transformation and community-based self-sufficiency projects that rose from the ashes of the 2008 financial crisis in the city of Chicago.

Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash

Change is not linear it’s more of a wave pattern. It’s not painless, nor always welcomed by everyone. Sometimes the trend is not obvious and the direction will appear to wander, depending on your point of view. But one thing is certain, it’s going to happen. Ready or not Capitalism is crumbling.

Welcome to the Age of Experience and the Sharing Economy!



Marika Jemma

As child I was often asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” An astronaut/ an artist/ a gypsy? Ok, let’s be real…what I really want is to be happy.